
Showing posts from March, 2008

Mobiles 'more harmful than smoking' (Click Here)

Jewish Nazi Frank Collins AKA Cohen and Skokie, IL

Wealth Of Information In These Videos - Must Watch

The 1940 Nationality Act

Section 401 (e) of the 1940 Nationality Act provides that a U.S. citizen, whether by birth or naturalization, "shall lose his [U.S.] nationality in a political election in a foreign state." This law was tested many times. In 1958, for instance, an American citizen named Perez voted in a Mexican election. The case went to the Supreme Court, where the majority opinion held that Perez must lose his American nationality. The court said Congress could provide for expatriation as a reasonable way of preventing embarrassment to the United States in its foreign relations. But then something very odd happened. In 1967 an American Jew, Beys Afroyim received an exemption that set a precedent exclusively for American Jews. Afroyim, born in Poland in 1895, emigrated to America in 1912, and became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1926. In 1950, aged 55, he emigrated to Israel and became an Israeli citizen. In 1951 Afroyim voted in an Israeli Knesset election and in five political ...

Prothink Interviews Khanverse About Islam (Click Here)

What Really Happened With The OKC Bombings? (Click Here)

Prothink - Watching The Watchers

I noticed they are looking at the Sensenbrenner issue but will we see justice? Considering he is just a blackmailed goyim they might be willing to sacrifice him. If he was one of the 'tribe' they wouldn't touch him.

Sensenbrenner Caught Commiting Federal Felony

This is a continued video from this one: Darby has a myspace page if you are interested:

The Coming Zionist Attacks On America

Thanks to the person who sent me this video. I uploaded to my account so hopefully it wont get pulled right away like it did from the other account it was posted on.

Our Dual-Citizen Problem -Click Here (Great Article - Rehash)

How Zionists Blackmail Our Government Officials

For the ones who aren't Zionists themselves (please read article below titled "Our Dual-Citizen Problem) entrenched in our government they need to buy or blackmail the others to obtain nearly full control of the US gov and large businesses. They are taken care of very well but when the puppets grow a conscience and want to speak out than their dirty laundry that was orchestrated by the criminals gets exposed by the criminals. Here is a film called "Conspiracy Of Silence". Enjoy...

Bush Picks ANOTHER Zionist Jew To Infiltrate The US Gov (Click Here)

Jewish Racism

For all those that claim to fight 'racism' but turn a blind eye to the most disgusting racists in the world, this is for you. Lets start some chapters with these phonies and use their outlet to fight JEWISH RACISM. I think a group of people who consider everyone (non-Jew) else to be their "goy" (aka Cattle) could easily be classified as racists and should be fought strongly against by everyone. The young mindset of a brainwashed Jew. Hey hijacked Christian America, here is your "chosen people", lol. Suckers. Rabbis In Israel Ridiculing And Harassing Non-Jews: Yet Another Jew Showing Their True Colors: And Another Zionist Jew Creating Racial Tension Between Whites And Blacks. This Is A Great Plan On Their Part Because It Gets The Goyim To Fight Each Other Instead Of Focusing On The Real Enemy: Lets Walk Into A Synagogue And Pull This Crap: They Consider This To Be Comedy But Its Really Not. This Is Just The Mindset That Is ...


100,000 Hits Milestone - Lets Keep It Going!

These are highly recommended films (early post re-hashed)

Money Masters: Eustace Mullins = One World Order Ted Pike - The Other Israel The Israeli Lobby #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7

State Department: Anti-Semitism on the Rise Globally

Ognir Interviews Prothink (Click Here)

Ognir's Forum (sorry took so long):

Prothink Interviews Khanverse click here to download)

US F-16 accidentally bombs Tulsa

Chavez: I dare Bush to call us terrorist

Lets Thank Our Founding Fathers Once Again For Their Framework:

Recently in a report just released by the US Gov regarding the growth of world wide 'anti-semitism' they had this to say about holohoax denial: "Denying the Holocaust is a crime in a number of European countries. For instance, Holocaust denial is illegal in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Switzerland. Such conduct cannot be criminalized in the United States. The U.S. Constitution protects freedom of expression and, generally, the government may not restrict expression based on its content regardless of the offensiveness of the underlying message." I don't like the fact that they inserted "generally" in there as to leave the idea open for discussion but for now it certainly looks like the stance on outlawing Holohoax denial wont be happening anytime soon which makes America a beacon for truth to speak out about the false history to the rest of world. The rest of...

Jewish Student Exposes Holocaust as Fraud

Be Careful What You Say With Your Cellphone Around

This is the reason I have refused to own this 'convenient' device in over 3 years! Also it is LAW that ALL cellphones have to have a GPS tracker on your phone so that these people can track where their cattle is at all times. FCC LAW! Funny how Zionist-owned CNN and Jewish Friedman 'pretend' to care about the people. This is them whitewashing the topic and pretending to to stick up for the people when its THEIR buddies in the Israeli owned telecommunications companies like Amdocs and Converse and also Chertoff that do all the spying on their goy.

The Mindset Of A Zionist Terrorist

Prothink Interviews DBS of (Click Here)

Criminals Cutting Off Fingertips To Hide IDs


Its for AJ retards... lol

Chavez: Colombia has become the Israel of Latin America

His Battle For Venezuela's Oil Cost Him His Life

Lets Clean Up The House....