Missing Links movie only days away!

John and I have been working extremely hard to get this Missing Links film completed. We have scraped all the previous finished video sections and have started it from scratch. It is going to be powerful and top notch quality. It will be far superior to the quality that John or I have done in the past. This will be the film which sets the bar on the truth about 9/11. We are not focused on the science of HOW but WHO was responsible for 9/11. The science of how it was done has been beat to death because no one out there has the courage to IDENTIFY who the criminals are in their films outside of the goy-box of Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Rice.

If you don't already know this by now this film will be based off the history of Israeli-sponsored terrorism against the US and their cohorts throughout America. It will not be a film based on Zionism or Judaism. Those topics should be easy to understand for people after we pull the veil off the people who are behind the biggest acts of terrorism around the world. We will obviously bomb the internet all over the place with this film and hope that you help promote this film after watching it too. It will not be copyrighted so therefore people can copy and distribute freely. Keep an eye out on Prothink.org for the release VERY SOON.
We also have a website set up just for the movie itself too but will release that when the movie is released.

If you have noticed in the previous article about John's birthday we will simultaneously but releasing our new t-shirts for sale too because it isn't free to sit here and make movies and create websites, besides the time spent doing our part in this to expose these people. Besides, the t-shirts will look cool.

Sorry it took so long to get this film completed since we started this project back in late Dec '07 but I can promise that it will be well worth the wait...

Here is a link to the old project sections we scraped:


Anonymous said…
It's a 'binding argument'...., right on! All this clamor and confusion about the 'how' and the 'who' is the only thing that matters; and explains the subsequent events. I saw the outline and it's great; the King David/Lavon etc.-just nails em. The only real evidence points to D'israeliland.
Anonymous said…
awesome. i been wondering how this was coming along. really looking forward to this, thanks a million in advance.
peace, byrd
Anonymous said…
Bring it on baby!
Anonymous said…
I hope everyone who supports Mike and John's sacrifices in making this film consider making even the smallest donations at $5. Every bit helps. These guys have given up their regular employment to make this happen. Mike's wife Renee is carrying the family right now until this is done. Thanks.

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