Holocaust denier's 'attack on justice'



Anonymous said…
last line of the article is very interesting.
"Judge Bruce Lander, hearing the case, said any evidence tendered arguing that the Holocaust did not occur would be ruled irrelevant."
Anonymous said…
I hope people can understand what this trial means in the real world. If the Jews win, it simply means you CANNOT question ANYTHING Jews do otherwise you will be commiting a hate crime.

Any criticism of Jews will automatically fall under the hate crime laws, and looking at what the judge says at the bottom of this story....

"Judge Bruce Lander, hearing the case, said any evidence tendered arguing that the Holocaust did not occur would be ruled irrelevant. "...means that you cannot even show WHY you are making the statements against them. It will be irrelevant! You are guilty of a hate crime and cannot defend yourself. Why even go to court?

I can't stress enough how pivotal this case it.

Truth is NOT a hate crime, but it will be if YOU let them get away with it.
Anonymous said…
We all have to defend and empower truth, otherwise we're gonna be lost in a jewish maze of lies...FOREVER.
Anonymous said…
Hollywood has made way too much money from this to let go of it yet. Think, anytime they need an instant bad guy, its some generic nazi or at least somebody with a Germanesque accent. The Big Lebowski, Indiana Jones,Austin Powers etc. In reality, the German people just wanted to throw off the chains of the world bankers, not dominate the world. They viewed it as a fight between good and evil, similar to what's happening today.

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