The Word Is Getting Around!

Keep It Up People!


Anonymous said…
you guys hit the main point of the subject ..ZIONIST dirty game now is how much they can dirt the image of islam every where to get thier aims done while every body can not see clearly and i agree with prothink when he said that muslims know about thier dirty games under many names since the old time they was this way and never changed thats why they think that muslims are one of enimies that they must distry its onley because muslims can see them clearly behind thier masks ..but why muslims can see them this way ..the answer is easy its in the muslims holly book ( quran) mentioned many times about them and stories in the history of islam shows how they can not keep a promise and they try every time to put a knife in your back when u trust them all they want is to control and to make you nothing but a slave thats thier goal and muslims do not trust them thats why they do every thing by thier giant meida work hollywood included to make every body enimny of arabs and islam because they are afraid that every body know what muslims know about them we can forgive ..but they do not want to change ..we want peace ..but they never wanted it thier books and you will know that they do not love other human races iam not against them if they let all people live in peace if they do not try to steal lands and if they do not try to control countries where they lived and grown and learned ..and free palestine

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