Project Off The Grid:


Anonymous said…
GL for your project.
Greatings from France
Anonymous said…
What a great video and project too. You guys seemed to have planned well for this and I love the fact that Veterans finally have a place available to them where they will be cared for and appreciated too.

Congratulations on a job well done and having such a marvelous vision for your community.

Anonymous said…
you guys are doing a great job getting this project off the ground. We have been playing a little phone tag lately but we will work it out. you know I will be helping out!
Gimmie a call, i wanna come up and check it out.
thekong said…
Why does John hold his hands in the standard Illuminati position?
Anonymous said…
I love this video. Keep it on the site. I also love you guys, please keep up the good work of exposing how the Zionist Neocon Jews are destroying our beautiful world. I'd also like to ask you guys to please stop any kind of fighting with Alex Jones. You guys and Alex Jones think exactly alike and Alex Jones has woken up to what the Zionist Neocon Jews are doing to the world. Just watch this Alex Jones video of a caller calling Alex Jones an anti-semite and watch Alex's response. Alex knows the truth like you guys.
Joe Blow said…
Prothink and ForceMultiplication are the only real patriots left!
Anonymous said…
SWF here. Can I join? And who's woman would I be? And if I misbehave, will you kick me out too? You guys are awesome. But where are the fatiques. Love men in uniform.
Anonymous said…
Great idea.

As a Canadian it is nice to see your trying to bring back what was life suppose to be like.

Us Canadians aren't to far away from the current USA witht he idiot Harper in charge.
Anonymous said…
You guys sound like a bunch of smart intelligent guys.

I hope it all works out for you.

Enjoy your videos keep them coming I hope those living in the USA understand what you guys are trying to do.

Keep it up.
Anonymous said…

Blogger thekong77 said...

Why does John hold his hands in the standard Illuminati position?

July 6, 2008 6:41 PM


It is actually a hand symbol for a yoni. Look it up.
Anonymous said…
Dont you think it would be better to spend your time, and money fighting, instead of running to the stone ages to hide from them? This has been done before, by many different groups, and never ends well, the ARYAN NATIONS is one example that comes to mind. With that said best of luck, I just dont see the bigger picture, with everyone grouping up in one area, making them easy targets.
R.F.F.I.T.D.R. said…
Great website, both here and on YouTube.
VERY informative.
Prothink said…
Criticism is never any good without an offer of another solution. Do you have a better idea? If so I'd love to hear em. Hide under your pillow and hope the bad men go away?
Anonymous said…
Good to see you guys going for such a positive project, I believe it is very important to start building a strong & healthy community that is self sustainable in the times to come. Having watched some of yours and John's vids I didn't expect you would do such a thing, but this is great, I hope your project will flourish and go headstrong thru the coming storm.

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