With all the questionable attention my site is receiving, I think at this point it is imperative to instruct people how to copy my site and others easily so that the flow of information stays in circulation just in case something were to happen to my site... What this software does is really cool. You basically enter in the basic website address into the program, like www.prothink.org, and it downloads all content into a neat folder that lets you view everything from your computer. You can also instruct it to update so when new content is posted on the site it just updates that information in the folder. You can download this free software called HTTrack Website Copier HERE and than install it. I can assure you that it is virus and spyware free. Once you have that it is pretty self explanatory how to use from there but if you need further instruction than go to their website http://www.httrack.com/html/index.html To see their online manuals. I encourage EVERYONE to STEAL and COPY all...
I don't trust DBS anymore.
I can't believe Ognir is falling for Smith.
He has the gall to call Hufschmid weird.
To get an idea of who Smith really is I suggest you folks go to Hufschmid's site and listen to the paranoia with which he attacked Hufschmid.
Smith went raving mad because Hufschmid said that he, Smith, was just a voice on the phone. If you think that Alex Jones going off on Mike Delaney was bad you haven't heard anything.
Smith actually demanded that Hufschmid go on the blogs and deliberately attack Chris Bollyn. Smith threatened Hufschmid with bodily harm. He told Hufschmid that he knew where he lived and could get him killed. Smith admitted to having been an ex-convict. You just have to listen to the recordings yourselves.
Smith wanted Hufschmid to even attack Bollyn's 12 yr old son,saying that the son was mentally ill. What business is it of Smith's if the kid has issues?
Smith is always making excuses for jews. All jews are Talmudic. Being a zionist or not is irrelevant.
Even the so-called Torah True jews are bogus. They all look at gentiles as supernal refuse. Read their material.
Going back to DBS, I've been listening to these guys for years.
Long before I heard of Delaney, John of Force Multiplication and Ognir, I got lots of information from Hufschmid et al.
I am telling you that Smith is wrong about Hufschmid. He is always complaining about how hard he is working and how tough it is and how we are losing to the jews. Hufschmid is always positive. I have never heard a deppressed or defeatist attitude from Hufschmid.
Do not take my word for it. Go and listen to the recording between Smith and Hufschmid. He went nuts on Hufschmid.
I would not recommend Smith to anyone.
Smith's website is only good for downloading old books.
There are things which Hufschmid says with which I disagree, nevertheless, Smith is wrong.
Thank you
Pathetic!!. These guys want 'to win the hearts and minds of the jews'.
Such junk!!!!!
I wander if John will continue to 'higly recommend' Smith on Force Multiplication?
12 hour day tomorrow
if you disagree with or have a problem with someone's words, then use words to explain why.
i understand that alex jones is responsible for a lot of the panic, paranoia, etc, but it really is getting tiring.
you don't have to agree with or even like anyone, but make that decision for yourself, and stick to the facts as you know/understand them, i reckon.
you are your own man (or woman) and to follow one guy, then go follow this guy, then that guy.. looking for your 'perfect guy' leads nowhere.
read everything, listen to everything.. and make up your mind.
and maybe some valium will help that bash :)
DBS may be right about EH, for EH has really gone a bit overboard with his blaming everything on all Jews. Not all Jews are Zionists, and a lot do not give a real damn about Israel. It is those who would live and die for Israel first, and work covertly to damage our society for that purpose that are the danger.
Mike, Darryl may not be right all the time, but maybe you should take heed into what he has to say.
Your work has been valuable in getting people to understand the truth, and Darryl is just worried about you straying from that path.
In the words of Rodney King: "cant we all just get along", j/k lol . Lets get these bastards now!
I have ALWAYS felt uncomfortable with EH and thought there was something off with him and his whole site. Plus he lost me when he said there was no need to own any weapons, and we should just trust our cops after educating them. pshht yeah right.
As far as DBS, I like most of what he says. Now I def. do NOT agree with everything he says. But to write him off I think is VERY stupid.
As far as John goes..well I have also always been cautious of what he says and promotes, BUT to a much lesser degree then EH. I LIKE most of what he says..a large majority of it, and I link to his site just as I do with DBS. Never the less, I am open-minded enough to not "stay loyal" to him or ANYONE else when I come across new information. The interview talked about that, just not WANTING to believe someone is a shill or some group is responsible for some of the worst crimes known to man.
Ognir I def. feel is innocent as far as being a shill. I think* he is just open-minded and remains teachable as we all must in order to remain a threat to this Jew World Order as like to call it.
And seriously, not all Jews are involved. many are just ignorant and have been mislead since birth. But that doesn't change the facts of what their doing.
Judaism is satanic, I do believe that. And ALL forms of it, Talmudic, Kabbalistic, and the others. So religious Jews, (still many are mislead) zionist Jews, and others in powerful positions or aid the fellow Jews in crimes against gentiles are guilty and need to be dealt with one way or another
anyways..I think I may revise this and write something longer clearly stating my opinions on who are the criminals we're after, who I support, who I think are shills, and those I may be in the middle about.
Anyways please check out my site,
It's not as good as Prothinks or DBS's, but it's getting there and I put up some different info as well as some of the same.
PS I still support Prothink of course; I think Mike is clean, but has the potential to be mislead by people as do I and everyone else.