With all the questionable attention my site is receiving, I think at this point it is imperative to instruct people how to copy my site and others easily so that the flow of information stays in circulation just in case something were to happen to my site... What this software does is really cool. You basically enter in the basic website address into the program, like www.prothink.org, and it downloads all content into a neat folder that lets you view everything from your computer. You can also instruct it to update so when new content is posted on the site it just updates that information in the folder. You can download this free software called HTTrack Website Copier HERE and than install it. I can assure you that it is virus and spyware free. Once you have that it is pretty self explanatory how to use from there but if you need further instruction than go to their website http://www.httrack.com/html/index.html To see their online manuals. I encourage EVERYONE to STEAL and COPY all...
These monsters have no qualms about watching us, the Goyim, destroy each other, all in the pursuit of their own greed, and selfishness. They look upon us as cattle or sheep, and as being lesser human than they are!
Mankind is supposed to be above animals in terms of intelligence, and we should be the most sociable and kindest creatures on the planet. We should be sharing all of the wealth of the planet amongst each other, and have no need for greed, or selfish behavior.
It is only due to these maniacs pursuit of their ideological and very racist promotion of being "superior" to their fellow man that we live in a world where some people suffer greatly when there is absolutely no reason for such suffering!
Greed, selfishness, racism, hate..These are the forces that drive these people. As far as true human society is concerned, these reasons are why they have been driven out of every nation on the planet that they have infested!
We are now at the point in our history that the ultimate battle between good and evil is upon us. These maniacs calling themselves "Jews", or "Zionists" are clearly the forces of evil. We have the choice therefore as to what direction our future is to be, and must battle for good.
Make the choice, and stand up for the good of mankind. Reject sloth, despair, and selfishness. Never say "It doesn't affect me", or "Why should I care?". These are what these evil creatures want us to do, while they quietly and covertly fulfill their plans of our enslavement!
Remember that laziness, or an unwillingness, of the Goyim to do anything against them is what aids them in their evil plot.
Only zionist crap on TV,and when you talk to the people about the zionist maffia the think i am grazy.
The are compleet brainwashed from the media with non issue's about sport,soaps en false notificatons.
I try in holland also exposed the hoax.
Problem in holland are the holocaustlaw.
The can send me to prison when i speak about the truth.
Not that i am scared about it,but the are scared.
Public to the media i cant talk about it.
I tell everybody that de zionist order are rulling the world,and that the rich elite are there boss.
Today we live in the 4 reich.
Hitler was the 3 reich,the USA have taking over that role.
When Iran is getting bombed we are in deep trouble.
What are China doing and Russia.
Maybe the are scared.
Maybe not.
1 thing are sure.
The need oil.
A lot of oil.
And nobody can stop a grazy country,who need oil.
The elite wants to make a slave of everybody.
After Iran i think the dollar are falling down.
And then the put there new money-system.
Track and trace.