We'll Try Comments Again On Prothink.org
I shut down comments on my website some time ago because the shill attacks were getting annoying and I didn't want to waste my time or my reader's time trying to defend the article from frivolous attacks. I will be "moderating" comments because this is not a public street where you are allowed your "free speech" but my website. A lot of people try to confuse free speech on the internet with the streets. You have a right to speak your mind on the streets according to the Constitution but it did NOT grant you free speech on prothink.org so I don't want to hear any griping about your rights. You shouldn't be griping about any of your rights at this point in America because unless you are willing to stand up for your rights with your second amendment than you got slavery coming anyways.
With that being said, feel free to start leaving comments again.
Mike - (aka Prothink)
With that being said, feel free to start leaving comments again.
Mike - (aka Prothink)
It does look like it's coming to a head here, and I am currentlystocking up on ammo as well as other cache items, because it looke like were about to walk on a razors edge here within the next year.
What I am looking forward to is not being called a shill for wanting to defend myself. I don't know about any of you all out there, but you mention defending yourself on any of the other message boards, you get instantly called a shill, a rabal rouser, or a an agent... WTF man?
So, at any rate, thanks again guys for this site, and I'll be in the trenches with you all when the shit hits the fan.
there's a white boat
comin' up the river
Red means [run], numbers add up to nothing"- Lyrics from Powderfinger by Neil Young. Check out how prophetic these lyrics are about the state terrorizing an American Family years before Ruby Ridge, Waco etc. The power this song is overwhelming. Type it in on youtube. Makes you realize all that matters is your family and like minded patriots who are willing to make a stand with arms when your inner sanctum is treaded on.
A legal maxim ( which is an established and accepted universal truth in law ) states ; " a man that does not assert his rights has none "
We have , unfortunately waived most of our rights due to our silence.
I am glad that you reopened the comments for us to give our opinions.
Your work is spot on...
Hoping that your video project is completed soon...
As you put it so precisely when describing the present, Mike, this definitely does seem like the "calm before the storm".
Everything is in place for martial law to be implemented and for the constitution to be suspended.
They seem to be waiting for the right time to establish the next false flag attack. When that is is anyone's guess. My guess would be in the middle of the summer when many Americans are away from their homes traveling.
I am starting to feel that the emergency that will trigger nspd 51and by extention, martial law, will not necessarily be an attack that can be blamed on any one country such as Iran. It may be something that will be perceived by the public to have either occured naturally or by accident, such as the release of a flue pandemic.
A flu pandemic would be perfect if you think about it as in the minds of domestic US soldiers, the forced isolation and mobilization of civilians into FEMA camps would be justified under the pretext of preventing the spread of the pandemic. The barrier of US soldiers being unwilling to forcibly mobilize their fellow Americans would be eliminated.
Regardless of what they have planned for us, it is going to transpire soon.
You can bet I'll be seeding that!
Mike and John need our support, and we should make sure that everyone we know sees these videos, and their comments/interviews!
The Jewish Elitists are planning our destruction, and our enslavement! Turn off the idiot box (television) and get the word out!
We must put an end to their plans NOW!
Your videos are very good - the time for revolution against these interlopers who have systematically destroyed our country (they are nation wreckers) is getting more and more obvious everyday.
All efforts on our parts have failed (peaceful protests, endless letters to Jewish-Zionist puppets reps etc) to end the interlopers (Jews-Zionists-Israelis) rule in this country. These people do not respond to niceties, compromise and negotiation. The last one hundred years of their coercive rule via installing the illegal Federal Reserve (ponzi scheme) banking system in this country has proven that. We have to stop NOW being their gullible goyim fighting their wars - all the wars they are instigated and started involving this country since WWI. We're nothing but expendable gullible goyims according to them. If we (gentiles) die, all the better towards advancement of their evil agenda for world domination.
John is correct, this will not be a civil war:
We will not turn against our country. We will be united in solidarity to preserve the integrity and goodness of our country and kick the interlopers out of this country. They came in and stole our country, but now we want it back from them. And, we're going to get it back.
it is however our lawful,constitutional and patriotic duty as americans to preserve,protect and defend our constitution and the republic it defines against all enemies,foriegn and domestic.
we also have a moral obligation to past,present and future generations of a truly free and indepedent people.
bohdan the patriot
Great last few comments. I actually feel sorry for the fool who comes in here and calls you an "asshole". He is either disillusioned, in cahoots with the criminals, or too brain dead to know any better!
This is a battle for our freedom!
- Joe Blow
I think that video was great, I just think, that the ron paul and aaron russo thing wasnt accurate. You know, I mean, why should ron paul say this? Like he is bashed in the media anyways, if he starts that, they dont take him serious. You know? He isnt the one to talk about that. YOU and me, we are the ones. But Ron Paul you can vote for, and he can change it, hes a politician on our side, what else do you want? Imagine ron Paul on the news: ISRAEL did 9/11. even if its true, ha just CANT say it, because noone would take him serious... So he is doing what he can.
And Aaron Russo...so first of all, he is dead, and yes, he did something. He produced his movie America Freedom to fascism, exposed the chip thing about the Rockefellers. He had cancer man, what did you expect him to do? He ran for president, on Fox he was straight, said Bush and Kerrry were the same,etc. he was a correct guy. god bless him
So again, I really enjoyed your video, good ideas,....
but what did YOU do?response to your queston:what did russo do?
The same we all here are doing.
greets from austria
Ben Weintraub
Eustace Mullins
Michael Collins Piper
Count Cherep Spiridovich
You'll begin to see why they've been banished from every country that has hosted them !