With all the questionable attention my site is receiving, I think at this point it is imperative to instruct people how to copy my site and others easily so that the flow of information stays in circulation just in case something were to happen to my site... What this software does is really cool. You basically enter in the basic website address into the program, like www.prothink.org, and it downloads all content into a neat folder that lets you view everything from your computer. You can also instruct it to update so when new content is posted on the site it just updates that information in the folder. You can download this free software called HTTrack Website Copier HERE and than install it. I can assure you that it is virus and spyware free. Once you have that it is pretty self explanatory how to use from there but if you need further instruction than go to their website http://www.httrack.com/html/index.html To see their online manuals. I encourage EVERYONE to STEAL and COPY all...
The Protocols show how evil, and manipulative, these criminals really are. For us to be nothing but their slaves, or cattle, is so disgusting, and so revolting! I strongly urge all the readers to pass the Protocols around for everyone else to read. We MUST stop their plans of enslaving us all.
forgery- imitation, counterfeit, forgery -- (a copy that is represented as the original)
You are absolutely right! And the one thing that CANNOT be argued is that they are going exactly to the letter.
Or they say it's "just rubbish", nonsense or worthless, useless, etc.
If you have read even one page of the protocols you know that these discriptions make no sense unless for trying to take attention from the protocols. I think most people will simply be blown away by them and aspecially by the recognition of them in real life (100 years later!)
Reading it will be equivalent to learning Santa Clause isn't real for a kid.
Holy Smokes Batman! It turns out reality is a myth and myth is reality.... everything I've been told is a lie, these protocols are real!
"In the third rank [of the Media] we shall set up what looks like our own opposing camp, which, in at least one of its publications, will present what looks like the very enemy of us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will reveal their identities and plans to us."
Hey that's Alex Jones + Rense!!
It has bold fonts to match the original 1905 upper-case text. It was first like this on iamthewitness, then when DBS converted it he lost the formatting.