With all the questionable attention my site is receiving, I think at this point it is imperative to instruct people how to copy my site and others easily so that the flow of information stays in circulation just in case something were to happen to my site... What this software does is really cool. You basically enter in the basic website address into the program, like www.prothink.org, and it downloads all content into a neat folder that lets you view everything from your computer. You can also instruct it to update so when new content is posted on the site it just updates that information in the folder. You can download this free software called HTTrack Website Copier HERE and than install it. I can assure you that it is virus and spyware free. Once you have that it is pretty self explanatory how to use from there but if you need further instruction than go to their website http://www.httrack.com/html/index.html To see their online manuals. I encourage EVERYONE to STEAL and COPY all...
And Google being a zionist controlled internet media operation may do their utmost to prevent your videos from being widespread, so I would not put it past them to put the brakes on downloading this video.
I will do my best to make people aware of this video, and others in your video archive... I am also waiting for your full length movie project to be completed...
It is quite sad that the majority of Americans are oblivious to who really runs not only the United States but other prominent countries such as Great Britain, France, and Germany.
I guess one cannot really blame the people when their lifelines for gathering information are owned and/or controlled by these monsters. They have essentially conditioned people to mock the very idea of a Zionist conspiracy; however, the people of Europe seem to have a better grasp of what's going on.
Try using liveleak or other video formats. I hope you are smart enough to know whos behind google and youtube.
Screw loose change and Papa Boner(AJ). There just another limb of the truth tree with their leaves on their own branches. I'm going straight for the top.
William George Norris
William George Norris
It is very tough therefore to fight evil Zionism, while at the same time let other Jews who have nothing to do with Zionism know that we are not their enemy!
Lets spread these videos around. Let everyone know what is really going on with the world, and why we fight to save our planet!
Wouldn't it be foolish to spread this idea is he was in fact a Zionist?
The delicate thing is also try to open the eyes of (ordinary) Jews without reaffirming the indoctrinated "Jews are victims of gentiles" attitude.
We can ALL live together respectfully if we recognize the lies!
Why would that be beneficial to the Jewish criminal elements then? I'm not seeing the logic in swaying the public away from the idea financially supporting to Israel.
What is your logical explanation and reasoning for this other than just eye rolling in disbelief @ Ron Paul supporters?
I really think those who target the "Jews" as a class are missing the boat. My family is of Jewish and Scottish heritage. I have read the KJV bible more than 35 times and can say that both Jew and Gentile fit into God's divine providence, and those who ignore the pharisee, sadducee, scribe, lawyer that were also condemned by Christ Jesus, forget the point Mike was seeking to make in the video.
I found it refreshing to see the balanced view he makes, plus the way he handles himself in front of the congressmen or senators. I think these "pharisee" types in congress, and elsewhere, are looking for a stimulating argument appealing to the source documents. It is happening where you folks are going to the source documents, as Christ did to the Old Testament, but He knew his facts and the Truth so I would keep going in this route. You won't convert those who have been blinded with evil, but you will plant the seeds which The Father will use as a basis to reap His harvest and reveal to them this Truth in His due time for His glory alone!
You know why people don't like you? Coz you're telling a lot of stuff that shouldn't be coming out. Too much truth could be harmful. There are powerful people out there who wouldn't like it.
Its amazing how you can say I am so dead on and right about so many things but not Ron Paul. Does that make any sense to you guys at all? Remember I USED to be a Ron Paul supporter early on so for me to take a 180 on that meant that I must have been completely convinced of what I am saying about him myself now. I am just glad his campaign is falling apart and at least there are many others that are seeing through that scam. Analogy: Its like I could fix any problem on a complex computer but when it comes to the keyboard I think that is a toaster... Come on people, WISE UP!
Well I am still out to lunch on that because making the decision to be or not to be involved in religion and what type of religion is best is a choice I will be making very carefully. I do not try to push the religion topic too often here but I would like to see some debates/discussions on a my radio between the 3 biggies.
Only Judaism is inherently racist among the major religions. It clearly says so in many of the hateful passages of the Talmud. Want quotes? I can give them.
Only Jews have produced documents as part of a developing plan of conquest and destruction of all Gentile nations by socialist agitators like Adolphe Cremieux, Jacob Venedey, Maurice Joly and Karl Marx which led to the development of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. They will claim this document is a fraud, but that too, is a lie. This destruction of nations is also pointed out in their interpretation of Scripture. Take note of Psalm 2, for example.
As for Ron Paul, it's been pointed out recently of his co-writing a book with a leading Zionist neocon, Lewis Lehrman, on gold. He also perpetuates the lie about Arabs being responsible for 9/11. His outward display of criticism for Israel is likely just a bone tossed to his supporters and nothing more. He just has to play the game a little while longer and then he'll have earned his stipend for siphoning off enough support for revealing the truth about 9/11.
From my standpoint the whole libertarian movement looks to be another scam by the Zionists to act as an outlet for the disenfranchised. The Lew Rockwell crowd who push Ron Paul are either deluded or working for those people.
Anyone who says people are not ready for the truth and that we should wait indefinitely to tell them are acting under the same premise as stated above.
Mike's done his best to bring the truth out which is more than I can say for myself. Great job, Mike.
I agree with you, Mike... Ron Paul was the perfect dupe. Americans looking for a hero to lead them are just like lambs for the slaughter. What these people do not realize is the importance of fighting this fight themselves, getting the truth out to every one, and to quit looking for a "saviour".
Attention Ron Paul supporters: The criminals are more than happy to supply you with a "saviour" of their choosing, for you all to follow, in their quest to control you all. Dont you all see how these criminals are all laughing their faces off at how easily manipulated you really are!
If you are dumb enough to believe in Ron Paul, then as Mike says, you may as well believe in the tooth fairy, or Santa Claus too!
Ron Paul did his job as his controllers expected, and deflected criticism away for a while. What a waste of time and energy for some people! And on top of that, he got over $10 million dollars in private donations for his fake campaign! I cannot imagine what that $10 million would have done if it went directly to the fight against these criminals. We may have already had the majority of these zio-clowns on the run!
Lets hope that now people can get back into focus, and get back to fighting these criminals head on.
but how can you research so heavily into such topics as the zionists and 9/11, etc. but not see the simple myth that is religion? Religion's lies are much more easy to see then what you have claimed to conjure up here. I just think that you would have seen this before you would have seen anything deeper..."
Is this not a motivation enough to look at religion as being a threat for a good reason?
Protocol #14 – Assault on Religion
Very simple and I already brought this issue up many times but apparently you haven't been looking through this website enough:
I agree with you, Mike, and Anonymous writer who calls Ron Paul a shill.
If I had 40 million dollars, I would use it vigorously to fight these zionist clowns, and have them on the run!
Will the Ron Paul supporters please grow some backbone, and realize that they have been had by that dupe. I must say that it is very hard to face the truth, and those people who supported Ron Paul will cling to that lie as long as possible until they have to admit they have been played as fools.
40 Million dollars! I cannot even fathom that much money from the poor suckers.
but how can you research so heavily into such topics as the zionists and 9/11, etc. but not see the simple myth that is religion? Religion's lies are much more easy to see then what you have claimed to conjure up here. I just think that you would have seen this before you would have seen anything deeper..."
You said: Is this not a motivation enough to look at religion as being a threat for a good reason?
Protocol #14 – Assault on Religion"
I'm sorry but you lose all your credibility with that statement. If u really were as smart as u seem u wuld allow debate on religion and u wuld be an atheist. Clearly u are not so clearly I will not listen to u. I listen to smart people not people that believe in clear myths. Sorry buddy.
Seriously, I think you have a troll on board, the curious gatekeeping type that is.
Zionists are only Rothschild and why of course Rockefeller? Only?
Otherwise if this poster is serious, he needs to look behind the control of the media, who the neocons are, who controls hollywood, porn, publishing houses, the CFR, international banking, etc.,
If he is serious about the Nazi's he should take a look at Lenni Brenners 51 documents to see the zionist complicity.
Just for starters.
Otherwise...keep listening to AJ, and go back to sleep.
These "anonymous" people who are slamming you are about as bright as bags of hammers. If they even had half a brain cell, then all they would have to do is look at the material, and realize that you are telling the truth!
Lets see them actually come in here and debate these issues, rather than be stupid enough to try to shoot the messenger.
Educated people who actually research can see clearly that history as taught in our poor education system is packed with lies, and falsehoods. They can see that you are telling the truth!
If the morons who come in here and call you a liar actually had half brains, then they would be actually seeing the justification for this fight, and join us in doing some good for the world.
The evil criminals have these poor dupes so badly brainwashed, and dumbed down, that most of them are hopeless causes and the perfect slaves for their bidding. Others with intelligence are no fools, and can see their despicable game.
Dont give up the fight, Mike, because your fight is righteous and just. If others dont like it, then they can go elsewhere. There are plenty of sites on the net for their clouded minds to peruse.
World Almanac, 1947, pg. 748: World Jewish Population -- 15,690,000
Increase in population of :
Go find this info yourself. If you were truly looking for info, you would find it.
Utlimately, it will be up to we the people to bring this country back to mental health free from the Jews-Zionist-Israeli war party and restore our contitutional government.