William Cooper Exposes Alex Jones

Shortly after William did this audio file he was murdered on November 5, 2001. William Cooper was shot and killed in his driveway........


Anonymous said…
Is the interview he is talking about somewhere to be found?
Anonymous said…
Has William Cooper's murder been solved? If so, please provide a link. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
some info
Anonymous said…
For those who believed that Alex Jones is NOT a zio-shill, this interview should be enough to show otherwise...Its about time we get this message out, and tell others to listen...

Thanks, Mike, for bringing this to our attention! It is obvious he was killed to shut him up permanently. He was going after the real criminals, and we need now to take up his fight.
Anonymous said…
Well the 2-callers prove what many of us already know, he is a liar and a sensationalist. Proof of being a sensationalist, fear-mongering, liar? Just listen to the interview that Cooper referenced from 1999, he was nothing less an agent provocatuer, totally than whipping it up. It was if he was practicing for bigger things...I wouldn't trust AJ as far as you could throw him. He is beyond a doubt a gatekeeper, but good luck trying to convince his clones about "our leader".
Anonymous said…
One only needs to read “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper and you will see clearly why he was such a threat to powers of U.S. and Israel. As a former U.S. Navy Intelligence Officer, he was privy to many secrets and cover ups that are perpetrated by our own treasonous government. He was the first person to break the story about the Aids virus in this book, which by the way as he pointed out in his book, is a manufactured virus made in Fort Dietrich, Maryland by our own treasonous government. Also, within this book, he was one of the first persons to break the truth about Israel/Jewish/Zionist unrelenting-incessant control of the U.S. and entire world.

William Cooper was definitely assassinated; unfortunately he was a man who knew too much. If you want a good read, albeit disturbing, please read this book. William Cooper was a true American patriot, who I believe wanted to change and make the world a better place (a very noble gesture). His book still sells like hot cakes.

William Cooper is still admired and respected by many of us for his courage and his patriotism. William Cooper: R.I.P.

Alex Jones is a crypto Jew
Somebody please do us all a great big favor and call into his radio show and ask him on the air who signs his payroll checks. (Rhetorical question, I think we all know the Jews/Zionists sign his checks, but I would love for him to be confronted with this embarrassing question on his radio talk show).

I always wondered about the timing of William Cooper's death - only a couple of months after 9/11.....he had many contacts and personal friends that were very well connected into U.S. intelligence.....he may have been privy to some inside information about 9/11 also - perhaps he was going to drop a bombshell about 9/11 also....just conjecture and speculation.
Anonymous said…
Someone who is no longer with us always gets my interest. I have heard a lot of William Cooper speeches on youtube and in my opinion he sounds sincere in his delivery. William Cooper has quite an interesting life history which I think adds some credibility to what he says. I would like to hear how Alex Jones addresses William Cooper's statements about him on his radio show and defend himself from these accusations William Cooper makes. This sounds like it could be quite interesting. Take Care Matt
Anonymous said…
Lets get this message out to all those who still listen to that Crypto-Jew, Alex Jones.... The guy is a fraud, and a poison to this movement.

I am truly sickened by how dumbed down alot of Americans are, and how they will follow these shills to the bitter end.
Anonymous said…
I dont think alex jones is in on it or anything....

Anonymous said…
I used to find Alex Jones interesting, however i trust William Cooper far more than Alex Jones, at least Cooper had federal documentation to back himself up, not just weird shit, like out of context clips, and bohemian grove tapes, etc... At least Cooper knew the real enemy and didn't try to bullshit us!!!
Anonymous said…
Alex Jones is IN on it... The guy just creeps me out with his Bohemian Grove, and NWO rhetoric. It is such obvious BS, and used to deflect criticism from his true love, Israel.

I would really LOVE to see all the people who see the truth behind Mr. Jones to call into his radio programs and blast him for his undying support for the Zionists. Lets see the shill squirm his way out of that!
Anonymous said…
Even Nixon said the Bohemian Grove was "the most faggy g-d thing I've seen" in the nixon tapes. Makes you laugh, doesn't seem ole Nixi took it serious...does it?

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