Two US F-18 jets crash in Persian Gulf


Anonymous said…
Hmmmmm.... Seems a little too coincidental with the other incident that just happened...

Doesnt anyone else smell a rat here? Or is it just me? I remember the Gulf of Tonkin BS incident of 1964, that touched off the Vietnam War....These incidents seem too familiar with that event!

Lets not be fooled! The Zionists will dupe the dumbed down American public into getting into their war with Iran. These incidents could be the start....
Anonymous said…
Exactly... I agree with the last comment... Lets make sure that people are aware of the facts and the truth before our zio-government gets us entangled in another war for Israel.

If Israel is so bent on war with Iran, let them fight it! Lets not have any American soldiers spill blood for those crazed zionist animals' wars for world domination!

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