Prothink Adresses Senator Russ Feingold About 9.11 Being A Zionist Attack


Anonymous said…
You are setting a great example for your fellow Americans, hopefully others will follow suit and confront their senators and congressmen. Well done :)
Anonymous said…
What is with this Senator, and all the other shills in the US Government? Are they all as brain washed as this guy??? "Israel is an ally of the US"???? What is he smoking????

Are the American people as brainwashed as this idiot in believing that Israel would not do 9-11? I am amazed to this day about how dumbed down the American public is.... Is it the mainstream media, or flouridated water... Or a combination of both?

You did a great job in doing what you did, Mike... And it shows how badly this message must get out... This Russ Feingold is such an idiot that I cannot believe that he is in the government!

Never give up, and never surrender... The message is finally eroding the layers of criminality!

I will pass this video around, definitely!
Anonymous said…
Brilliant! Such a concise delivery, so many major topics covered in one fell swoop. Excellent job bro! And move over gatekeeper Jones! Feingold had to bite his tongue though, he couldn't call you an anti-semite because you brought nothing but facts to the table. ;)
Anonymous said…
Fantastic job Mike!
I love how you got all that important information out in such a short time!
The Senator was startled by your questions and info and then nervously pledged his support for Israel...who probably ownes him in one way or another. Most of Congress is owned by the Zionists be it by payoffs or blackmail!

Fran from San Diego,Ca.
Anonymous said…
Good job, Prothink! You are an inspiration to me. You give me hope for justice to come. I love you, brother. I am definitely going to promote your site at the anti-war rally when the next one come. I am currently learning about computer to set up a website like yours. Let us all set up a website because Zionist shill truthseekers are bombarding the internet with their disinfo sites so when new people who want to find the truth they are turned off from the truth about Israeli 9/11 connection by disinfo site such as Rense dot com. If enough of our sites out numbered the liar sites like antiwar dot com, then these Zionist has to work extremely overtime to hire more Zionist agents which they would eventually have a hard time keeping track of their shills because some of their Zionist agents might decide to get paid by Zionist while turning against their Zionist masters at the same time.
Anonymous said…
Top work, Mike! You are truly to be commended for what you did at Feingold's office. Wonder what that Zionist will do about it. Strange how he said he knew nothing of this when any one of us can find this information browsing the internet for a couple of hours. Of course he's lying. And did you see the veiled threat in his last comment how this would be a vicious attack on Israelis, 'our friends', if any of this turned out to be false. Well, Senator Feingold, I guess the Zionists' luck is running out as many many people all over the world are discovering the treachery of Israel 'our friend' thanks to Prothink and other brave people who stood up and told others this valuable information. Just how much of a 'friend' can a nation be when they blow up your citizens and fire torpedoes into your ships, Senator Feingold? Or did you not 'know' about this either?

And I applaud Mike's advice to people to move out from MySpace and Facebook (both owned by Zionists BTW) and start your own blogs and websites (which have a unique URL unlike those other sites) and put this information out there. Apart from Mike's Prothink site and The French Connection and a handful of others, there aren't many websites out there that expose the Zionist connection to 9/11 and other terror acts. This is a wonderful way to spread the information and come in contact with likeminded people carrying out the same line of research. And the more there are of us, the less likely they can attack each and every one of us as I am sure they try and do.

This is going on a bit long, but I think we are seeing a new era in 9/11 investigations, where the focus is now on Mossad and 9/11. I have changed a friend's mind recently to now think that 9/11 was a Mossad job and not an 'inside' job, and right up until recently he was a firm Alex Jones fan quoting him all the time. I've let him know about the site and he really likes it. Thank you, Mike.
Anonymous said…
Russ Feingold helps to illustrate the points made by Jack Berstein. Notice how his first response is to try and spank you for saying something "so nasty".
When are these people going to figure out that
a statement is only nasty if it is not true.
Anonymous said…
Super! Feingold made a fool out of himself with his reaction.
Haven't seen it on 911 blogger so far;-)
Anonymous said…
Prothink, that was beautiful! Somone made a good point on the youtube comments. How can the allegations be a "vicious slur" if you supposedly have not heard of this information? He is blatantly covering for Israel, what kind of American is he?
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know if Russ Feingold is a dual-citizen of Israel?
Anonymous said…
Feingold is a Jewish name.... I bet dollars to donuts that he is a dual citizen of the US and Israel. There is no other explanation to his playing dumb on the 9-11 points that Mike presented to him.

We need to get rid of ALL dual citizens in the government. Officials should be citizens of the US only, and pledge their allegiance to the US first, second, and third....
Anonymous said…
I just saw Matthew Naus Founder Of "Take A Stand For 9/11 Truth" on 911 blogger confronting this same man on the same occasion (is that you Mike in the picture?)

He made a lot of noise and volume but the quality of Mike's presentation was sooo much better!
Go see and compare.
Prothink said…
Yes he (Matt Naus) is a very active fellow activists but I was pretty disappointed at the outburst from him because the crowd totally closed their minds to what I had said previously because of that angry speech. I can understand people wanting to rip people's heads off after finding out this type of information and than confronting one of them but the point of my speech was to be professional and win the crowd over and make Feingold expose his overwhelming support for Israel. It worked but when he semi-justifiably went crazy on him the public just thought he was crazy and since I was associated with him my work was also discredited and crazy. And what I don't understand about him is his theory on 'oil powers' when he is well aware that it is the 'Zionist' powers that run the show. His type of actions towards a US senator (even if he is a criminal) is the type of actions they want from us because than it gives them an excuse to use this new HR 1955 homegrown terrorism bill because he was in a very threatening manner and I am sure the rest of the crowd would have backed up this Zionist if Feingold says he felt threatened. The town we did this is also has the USS Liberty Memorial Library in it.
Anonymous said…

Going forward, a possible solution to another scenario like this. If you are at another similar event, and fanatical "9/11 truthers" are there, do not bring up 9/11. They muddy the waters too much, and could also be agent provocateurs. For example, you could focus on the USS Liberty, or how they got us into Iraq or Iran instead. Just a suggestion.
Anonymous said…
Damn, I forced myself to go to that 911 blogger waste of space website to watch that guy's video clip. What is wrong with that guy? He should have the maturity not to loose his temper, after all he seems to have been at this for a while. They couldn't have paid for a better agent provocateur, but I suspect he's just an angry man, although the end result is the same, making all who question 911 look like nutjobs. Damn!
Anonymous said…
exellent job mate you are a credit to us all.keep up the good work,the zionists cant keep this shit going forever and when it all comes out there will be bloodshed and pain for us all but we cannot careful the zionists are watching us all and at all times and have no humanity or guilt in ther actions.again stay safe and are a hero to millions of normal decent people and remember in the darkest nights we have the heart to surrender

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