Why isn't Ron Paul spending his 30 million on ideas like this? We could knock out Zionist Jewish corruption tomorrow with that kind of money. We need more people to do effective actions like this.
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Anonymous said…
Wow, and this was in 2006?
Anonymous said…
It seem Ron Paul is not supposed to count his votes properly. Can we do it ourselves, by going around precincts door 2 door and finding out who voted for RP? Explaining that there may be fraud. Get people who voted inside precincts to collect signatures. Lets see how divergent the fugures really are . F*ck an official recount. Waste of time. Public audit required. Pass it on. We will. www.dissential.com
Anonymous said…
lol, u realize that none of the american public are going to believe these ads. Stop saying jewish in them, it sounds racist so less people will believe you. I guarentee that these ads would not do shit.
Anonymous said…
I hate to say it but i dont think these ads would be very effective. To someone who's never looked in to any of these issues those ads just sound like crazy conspiracy theories. I think a simpler, more down to earth approach is needed. Maybe something like "Don't let the controlled media fool you, this war is not for oil but to advance israels interests" followed by a quick summary explaining this and why the oil myth doesnt add up
Anonymous said…
LMAO prothink! bridge on mars..
yeah I really like a lot of the work Jim Condit Jr has done, but he aslo supports ron paul. I think he is honest in his belief but is/was mislead by the "patriot" movement.
plus our system of gov. is so fucked up there is no way he would A ever be elected, or B even if he was, he couldn't do anything.
So by him participating in our system, and supporting ppl like ron paul, he is hurting the real movement by diverting energy, strength and funds from real shit.
but like i said, i think he was honest and pure in his belief, i just don't see it helping (except him exposing the jews behind 911 on public radio stations, that was AWESOME)
I didn't post the old comment and I don't know how that made it up there. It was also dated from before I even posted this article. But anyways people lets get off our asses and tell the people in the streets about these Jews like Condit did, thousands at a time.
Anonymous said…
Internet 2 is swiftly approaching and pretty soon we won't even have the opportunity to speak about this subject on the net. Act now before it's too late.
Anonymous said…
It's great except for the dated element regarding Bollyn. Daryl Bradford Smith, and others, have since outed Bollyn and his buddy Hufschmid as frauds.
I certainly wouldn't say DBS 'outed' Bollyn or even EH. I would say there was some fighting and that you are way off base with that accusation. I am sure Jews and people like yourself would LOVE to sweep Bollyn's work under the rug but that is not going to happen. Nice try though. Who are these 'others' because I am SURE that these 'others' have been 'outed' themselves and don't hold any creditability with me or my site.
Anonymous said…
Jim Condit Jr. is the real deal. The real shame is how he got screwed out of a radio station; that is; under the equal access law a FCC licensed radio station that refuses or edits an ad for a federal congress candidate must fork over its license, as happened to him in Chicago; he took it to court and lost....Eustace Mullins has filed suits also to know avail, but these are the real examples for patriots to emulate.
Jason > fighting the scam of fractional reserve banking
Anonymous said…
Daryl Bradford Smith is a true patriot in the fight against these evil bad guys. He has stated many times that CB's work was spot on until after his arrest, and sudden disappearance, over a year ago.
His reappearance and sudden change in writing style about these criminals is very suspect in the least.
Anonymous said…
I think at the very least this video is good for the folks who are sure there is corruption but thinks that is just bush being a corrupt president to get rich. The picture is much broader and here is someone running for congress telling you what is actually happening.
Anonymous said…
Good film for those who think its just George Bush and cons wanting to get rich. Politician that is willing to bring in 911 and zionist WOW!!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for putting this up nice to see someone who actually cares and is willing to provide information for people to than decide what next? I am simply amazed how the Americans allow what is about 2% of the population to run the show. What happened America to your love of your country?
To Michael Delaney: And mostly to everyone, Please visit this link for some heavy accurate info. And i also hope it becomes one of your "Recommended Forums". lol
I am going to be uploading all my saved files here I have saved over the years and stuff that has disappeared from the internet. To start I have the entire website backup of Iamwitness.com owned by Daryl Bradford Smith: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DGltyJm2xUr1qnvswaqeOMxFEGQg4fVe?usp=sharing
With all the questionable attention my site is receiving, I think at this point it is imperative to instruct people how to copy my site and others easily so that the flow of information stays in circulation just in case something were to happen to my site... What this software does is really cool. You basically enter in the basic website address into the program, like www.prothink.org, and it downloads all content into a neat folder that lets you view everything from your computer. You can also instruct it to update so when new content is posted on the site it just updates that information in the folder. You can download this free software called HTTrack Website Copier HERE and than install it. I can assure you that it is virus and spyware free. Once you have that it is pretty self explanatory how to use from there but if you need further instruction than go to their website http://www.httrack.com/html/index.html To see their online manuals. I encourage EVERYONE to STEAL and COPY all...
yeah I really like a lot of the work Jim Condit Jr has done, but he aslo supports ron paul. I think he is honest in his belief but is/was mislead by the "patriot" movement.
plus our system of gov. is so fucked up there is no way he would A ever be elected, or B even if he was, he couldn't do anything.
So by him participating in our system, and supporting ppl like ron paul, he is hurting the real movement by diverting energy, strength and funds from real shit.
but like i said, i think he was honest and pure in his belief, i just don't see it helping (except him exposing the jews behind 911 on public radio stations, that was AWESOME)
> fighting the scam of fractional reserve banking
His reappearance and sudden change in writing style about these criminals is very suspect in the least.
are sure there is corruption but
thinks that is just bush being
a corrupt president to get rich.
The picture is much broader and here is someone running for congress telling you what is actually happening.
And i also hope it becomes one of your "Recommended Forums". lol