New Film "Missing Links" Chapter 2 USS LIBERTY


Anonymous said…
The dual narrative is a good call, always nice to hear an eloquent female voice, you guys are doing a great job :)
Anonymous said…
When are the people on this planet, the Chinese, the Indians, the Japanese("Remember Pearl Harbor")going to f...... wake up?

They forget so soon, instead they have been hood-winked by Hollywood, or shall we say Jewliwood, glitz and glamor of the Western Kabalistic Zionist Husars "Khazars" who are blood thursty Turkic-Mongol descendants. Their land is 800 miles NORTH of Israel. Their ancestors (Husar "Khazar") never,ever set foot in Palestine, this country was handed to these bastards illegally

Arrest them all, for God's sake someone...

Having the poor Egyptians dig their own graves, kick them into it and machine-gun them. The Bastards.

They should all be court-martialed, and all the Rothschild fake wealth (since they printed this "paper money" out of thin air and euphemistically call it "Fractional Reserve Banking")

Call for justice for these brave Navymen who didn't get ANY help from the American Jewnited States of America, or shall we say Jizreal...
Anonymous said…
Who is the female voice??? She is so eloquent, and a great voice for reason! I hope you have her in other parts of the video.

Let your audience know, Mike, who the lady is... We all want to know!
Anonymous said…
sounds like wingTV to me, which unfortunately makes me wary of your project already..
Prothink said…
You are right. There is a section from Wingtv. There is also work from DBS, and even Alex Jones. Unless you already can pick that out, the message is what is important here without telling anybody whose work it is. Just like zeitgeist used a LOT of other people's work to get their message across, so am I. It is the message that I am building in this film. Thats why I don't have any links or promotions for anybody else. When this film is seen by the average person out there than it isn't going to matter whose work I use because they wont know any better.
Anonymous said…
OMFG.... Wingtv was exposed about a year ago as being a total Zionist agent provocateur site! Mustafa, and Gugliani, I think, were their names... Both were exposed by both DBS, and EH, as shills working to discredit the truth movement!

Be very careful, Mike, in having anything that involved those two clowns from WingTV going into your video... It may cause some people to have the wrong message, and hurt the movement!
Anonymous said…
Fair enough as long as its snippets from their (wingTV) work and they are not doing the voice over/involved. Looks great - get the info out there!!
Prothink said…
Like I said earlier. If the message is good I am using it in my film. The BS politics in the truth movement aren't going to matter because the average joe isn't going to know whose work it was in the first place. I'd use Zionist Michael Moore's work if there was something I could use to get the message out there. I am doing this film for free and almost by myself with home-taught skills. This film is quite the task considering Loose Change was made at a Larry Silverstein-owned school and founded and supported by the billionaire Zionist Simon family. I urge anyone out there that might not like or approve of anything I do to get this message out there, be a leader and start their own website and make their own films. I am a one man operation unlike the mega-bucks Alex Jones, and the rest. If I could spend the money that Aaron Russo, Alex Jones, and the rest had than I would be able to put something out much higher quality. But as it is I might have to use other people's work that you might not like, and probably are shills, but if the message of their's I am using is good than why not? I appreciate any and all criticize of the film that will benefit me in getting the message out there better but as far as using other's work, thats what I have on the table. I want this film to get out as quickly as possible in order to start informing people and gain support. I am even going to be using clips from the Zionist movie "protocols of zion". Doesn't mean I am going to plug that movie or even have a mention were the clip came from. You have to look at this as a movie the average person is going to see. They wont know all this silly details of infighting, all they will see is the very important message that the film will project.

Prothink said…
Make all of you a deal. If this film is successful and does what it is supposed to do than I will work on a much larger project film I want to do about the history of Zionism and it leading up to today. That will be an even far greater project and will require support from people. Making this film right now as fast as I am is very exhausting and extremely time consuming. I am sure if any of you have made videos before you can understand this. I figured since no one else wanted to take on this project and do a film for free (thats right, I am not selling it at all, I will however send out hard copy DVDs for a $2 donation just to cover supply expenses.). Where else are getting you this type of hard work and dedication to fight the biggest criminal network out there for pennies? Not too many places..
Anonymous said…
LOL, it was only afterwords that the WingTV connection came into my head, it matters little as long as the message is accurate and the more varied the contributions the less likely anyone can say your pushing his or her agenda. We appreciate your effort Mike and know you are constrained by limited resources and time.
Anonymous said…
Valid points, Mike.... And you are absolutely right when it comes to getting the message out. If the criminal network supplies some of the hard facts about their crimes, then we can use it to hang them high!

Keep up the good work, so that we can see the final product soon.
Anonymous said…
the Zionist are printing money out of thin air so they can easily get accomplish a billion dollar project to do. We all have to work for our money so if the message is good and the very least expensive of the project, go for it. Who cares about all those infighting! The average joe are too busy to read about the infighting and some of them are too nitwit with short attention span to be researching about the detail stuffs about Zionists. As long as the movie send the average joe a clear message that Israel is behind 9/11 demolistion of the 3 World Trade center and USS Liberty attack, this is the first step to getting rid of the Zionist control in America.
For those who have a habit of complaining, being judgemental, and nib pick what Prothink is doing should use the same energy by switching this useless energy into complaining about what Zionists are doing to this country: start by writing to their congressmen about Israelis did 9/11 attack and the dual citizenship of the people working in the White House. OR you can do the research and send Prothink a better video version that you think are better. OR you can just make your own version of the movie. Like EH and DBS have said, help us spread the word or just stay out of our way by doing us a favor to shut up and get loss.
Anonymous said…
I challenge anyone to go to WingTV and listen to their old audio files regarding Israel, whether it be the Mossad, or evil Jewish leadership and then ask yourself, do they sound like Feds? If you consider the timing of their info, they were way ahead of anyone else and called others out for not talking about it and were effectively ran off from the "truth" (bowel ;) movement. Seriously, those files are still up, and the content of them contain some damning information. They weren't saints to be certain, but the info was good. Those files are still at their site. Zionist agents? I don't get it after listening to those files. Btw, I used to despise WingTv and worship Alex Jones mind you, but being that he is the king gatekeeper, I have since abandoned his nonsense. No one is to be worshiped, seek info, facts, and truth.
Anonymous said…
anonymous, where can I get those WingTV files? Not that I am out to patronize them, but if they say certain accurate statements, it can be used in our benefit.
Anonymous said…
Hi Salman. No problem, go here and pull down anything that say Israel, or Zionist in them or just fish through any topic of interest:
Anonymous said…
bahahahaha - good irony!

I hold on to the [idealistic?] hope that these miscreants (aka Zionist Jews) who perpetrated attack on USS Liberty will definitely be brought to justice. And - all their other false flags attacks and despicable crimes.

Yo Prothink, can you tell us commenters the best way - or the simpliest way to post a link for sources and references that we would like to post along with our comments?

The instructions provided under "leave your comment, you can use some HTML tags, et al" are not quite clear and obvious regarding HTML....etc.

Thanks muchly!

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