Here At Prothink, We Watch The Watchers

I don't know the motivation for why the Senate Of Arms would be looking at my site. I hope it is because the problems presented on this site need to be addressed in our government. It could be a bad or good thing that this site is getting the attention of people in government because I am sure there are still plenty of people in our government who aren't with the Zionists games and want some justice. I am sure there are still people in the government who remember the USS Liberty attack... Its time to speak up and fight this fight if you are in the USA government because there are A LOT of people in this country looking for that and know this knowledge...
We at are not an anti-government site like a lot of other "truth/patriot" sites and believe there are allies in the government fighting silently along side. We have seen examples of this quite a bit lately and encourage more actions to fight these criminals that obviously don't have America's interest in mind. Here is the link to the department here:
UPDATE! Now the FAA is interested in this site:


How do you get this info MAP?
SEE Highland Free Press

Dave Scotland
Anonymous said…
I also would sure like to know how to get this type of map....

Looks like our Government is watching you, Mike.... Time to put on your tinfoil hat, and to go underground... LOL LOL LOL

Maybe you finally have their attention!
Anonymous said…
I think what you are doing is courageous.I do not mean to heighten the paranoia but definitely keep your alibi straight.If this government is willing to murder 3000 of its own with the help of mossad you are nothing but a nuisance that may or may not need to be delt with.Bottom line,we are under attack. I just always thought it would be from somebody other than the people that were suppose to protect us. There I go thinking again. Keep on speakin the truth prothink !
Anonymous said…
Check out the latest blog:
Anonymous said…
The map is available from statcounter. I have the same map and I'm watching the watchers too.

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