Very Important Tutorial
With all the questionable attention my site is receiving, I think at this point it is imperative to instruct people how to copy my site and others easily so that the flow of information stays in circulation just in case something were to happen to my site... What this software does is really cool. You basically enter in the basic website address into the program, like, and it downloads all content into a neat folder that lets you view everything from your computer. You can also instruct it to update so when new content is posted on the site it just updates that information in the folder. You can download this free software called HTTrack Website Copier HERE and than install it. I can assure you that it is virus and spyware free. Once you have that it is pretty self explanatory how to use from there but if you need further instruction than go to their website To see their online manuals. I encourage EVERYONE to STEAL and COPY all...
The question is.....why are we allowing these guys to control the types of information and messages that we receive. Why does all information-data-messaging-social conditioning-propaganda have to come through their filter(s)? Because they want us to receive certain types of information-propaganda complete with censorship to otherwise socially condition our minds in a certain direction.
The answer lies with all us non-Jews-non-Zionists out here in the heartland of U.S. that are just sitting back and allowing these guys to control us and our thoughts. That's right, by virture of the fact that they run all newsmedia and books and the inherent messages contained within these medias, that is tantamount to thought control and
We have to better than this. As Eric Hufschmid says, "grow a backbone and stop being afraid of these guys". After all, we outnumber them a million to one. I'm never one to be a proponent of violence....let's just confront these people and take back our banks, publishing, all news media, everything. Ghandi was on to something: Non-violent yet steadfast-strong resistence. It worked for India (to a certain extent), maybe it can work for us. We can take Ghandi’s advice and take back our country....while there's still time.