Prothink Interviews NYC First Responder Paul Isaac

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Paul is going to be presenting evidence of 9/11 to the courts and would like your support if you are in the Brooklyn area. This will be going on at the Brooklyn Criminal Court December 7th, 2007. He requests that people come to support him in his efforts to obtain justice for 9/11/01. Here is some of the evidence he will be presenting:

More Unanswered Questions re: Keyspan Tanks

Paul Isaac is an Auxiliary Fireman and first responder.
He has spent an untold number of hours doing in-depth research compiling
many areas of evidence challenging the official account of 9/11.

The image below illustrates a parallel between the
demolition of the Keyspan Maspeth Holding Tanks in Queens, NY on
July 15th, just a few months before 9/11. Although explosives were
outlawed, somehow with the Giuliani administration in power, this
demolition was carried out even though the surrounding area was
residential. You can still see the Queens Gazette article from 7/18/01

The height of the tanks is approximately the same
as the height from where Flight 175 struck the south tower and the
top of the building. The angle of the collapse of the South Tower
(see Image 2) was almost identical to the angle of the demolition-cased
collapse of the tanks (see Image 3). Also, the antenna from Tower
One came down in the same direction, into Tobin Plaza rather than
west towards the World Financial Centers. The demolition of the
tanks was planned and carried out by Controlled Demolition, Inc.
Isn't it interesting that this company also was contracted to do
the cleanup after the Oklahoma City Bombing, then again for cleanup
of the World Trade Center towers? Also, see the Online Journal article
by Jerry Mazza.

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It's important to realize that pilots flying planes
into LaGuardia Airport used the Keyspan tanks

as markers on their approach route.

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Below we see the flattened tanks on the left, and
the complete demolition at Ground Zero. Also, below we see what
very much appears to be 2 different Osama Bin Ladins. Which one
are we supposed to believe was responsible for 9/11? If he indeed
did orchestrate 9/11, why isn't this listed on the FBI web site's
Most Wanted section? Why did an FBI official named Rex Tomb claim
"the FBI has no hard evidence connecting him to 9/11"?

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Did you know Enron supplied gas to Keyspan? Did
you know Enron, which was being investigated by the Security and
Exchange Commission, had files destroyed in the collapse of WTC7?

Did you know Keyspan was in a joint venture with Enron in 1998?
Here's an excerpt from a press release:


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, February 13, 1998

HOUSTON - KeySpan Energy Corporation and Enron Capital & Trade
Resources Corp. (ECT), a subsidiary of Enron Corp., today announced
an agreement whereby ECT will provide gas supply management services
for Brooklyn Union Gas, the primary subsidiary of KeySpan Energy.
Under the terms of this agreement, which is subject to approval
by New York Public Service Commission, ECT will assume responsibility
for managing Brooklyn Union's interstate pipeline transportation,
gas supply and storage.

Wouldn't a real investigation pursue
this trail and see where it leads?

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The brochure cover below from a city publication prior
to 2000 shows a strange looking shadow on the north face of Tower
1 coming from 250 Broadway which stood next to WTC7. Paul noticed
this strange shadow, pointing out that the sun could not have caused
this due to the direction of its path. Why would an official city
document have this oddity? Could this signify something ominous?
Could this shadow be pointing towards the Keyspan Tanks? Note the
yellow line in the image below. These are questions Paul is calling
to our attention.

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Also, did you know Keyspan got a baseball park built
under the company's name? For more, click

And also information in this article:
Paul also has a video interview linked HERE
NewYorker Magazine article on "Why The Towers Fell"
Click Here
Giuliani knew the towers would collapse: Click Here
Click Here to see: Rudy's Ties to a Terror Sheikh


Nierika said…
This is amazing, I could listen to Paul for hours, he knows his shit. Please tell him Thank You for doing this...
Anonymous said…

In response the message I say...
You guys are always welcome.

To all of Americas true patriots...

Strength and Honor
Justice is Truth in Action

Paul Isaac Jr (Sentinel U.S.)

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