Prothink's Audio File On Alex Jones, Chris Bollyn, And The "No Wars For Israel" Conference


Terry said…
Well Prothink,

I just got introduced to your website through DBS' site. I will definitely be a regular visitor. For the most part, your analysis seems on point. One thing however. Although I readily admit that I do not know the real story on Bollyn, Michael Collins Piper's opinion that he is some sort of intelligence agent ie Mossad,CIA? cannot be discounted. This would account for the Zionist judge in Chicago giving him a few weeks to avoid jail. Bollyn did spend a significant amount of time in Israel and had an Israeli wife. DBS and EH do avoid thentelligence angle because I believe it seriously impacts their credibility. The fact that there is supposedly a warrant out for Bollyn's arrest could possibly explain why Bollyn has been keeping a low profile and did not attend the NO WARS FOR ISRAEL CONFERENCE. Just as you've stated, I am after the truth. Unless you've refuted the Bollyn/Intelligence hypothesis somewhere that I'm not aware of in my opinion this is something that has to be seriously considered. If you're not willing to consider this angle then you are biased. As far as Ahmnadinejad goes the things you say about him are true. However I wonder if you go far enough. While he seems to be trying to educate us in regards to the evils of Zionism, he has also been "spitting in the face" of the west, almost daring it to attack. I question his motivation for this. It does not seem to me to be in the best interests of the Iranian people. To me this falls perfectly in line with the Zionist agenda. He seems to be playing the perfect foil for the Zionists. It's almost like a professional wrestling match. Is he a crypto Zionist? I don't know, but I think we should be open to this possibility as unlikely as it may seem. Well Prothink, that's all I've got for now. Keep up the good work!

Terry said…
Well Prothink,

I just found out about your blog from DBS' site. I will definitely be a regular visitor. For the most part I think you are spot on about things. With regard to Christopher Bollyn, I think you need to consider the intelligence angle put forth by Michael Collins Piper. I believe that DBS and EH refuse to consider this angle because of the potential negative impact on their credibility. Bollyn has admitted to spending time in Israel. He even had an Israeli wife. If he is an intelligence asset ie Mossad, CIA? this would account for the Zionist judge in Chigago giving him enough time to flee before sentancing. The fact that there is supposedly a warrant out for his arrest would explain Bollyn's avoidance of the NO WARS FOR ISRAEL CONFERENCE. I readily admit that I do not know if Bollyn is an intelligence asset, but I think we should be open to this possibility. If you are not willing to consider this possibility than you are biased. Secondly, with regard to Ahmadinejad I agree with your opinion about him as far as it goes. However it seems to me that he has gone out of his way to "spit in the face" of the world's sole superpower, almost daring it to attack. I question whether this is in the best interests of the Iranian people. To me this approach dovetails perfectly with the Zionist agenda. I wonder if Ahmadinejad is a crypto Zionist. I think we should be willing to consider this possibility, no matter how unlikely it may seem. I believe that knowing the truth is our best hope at fixing our world. Keep up the good work!

Terry said…
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Anonymous said…
GREAT SITE, great info, it must be considered that all anti-isreal sites are a promotion of anti-semitism required as the casus belli for zionism that it requires for its existance.

this fight against zionism is a false construct, and this is why i've listened to DBS for nearly 2years now, and support his angle of fighting criminals, not jews. this said, his ramble about ashkanazi is racist.

justice in politics is a far cry from the philosophy of justice, and if we wait for the day that all sing only the light of truth, it'll never come.

politics requires people who are like minded, but don't agree on everything, to work together.

Truth as an absolute philosophy; taken by DBS and Eric H, and their bashing of the truth movement people, though justified and honest, is a hindrence to bringing people together. you've hit the nail on the head "organize w/ like minded people". .I say who cares what misconceptions or lies truth seekers spew as long as they SUPPORT THE BANNER TO UNITE UNDER: The ideal of fighting criminals by name i won't list now, but which are mostly zionist, but not exlusively so.

This uniting of the truth movement would weed out the infiltrators anyways, like alex jones is going to support arresting and prosecuting Micheal Chertoff, Maurice Greenberg, Dov Zakheim, and others???? those that do will unite spreading peace w/ truth, prophet banker architect

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