
Showing posts from April, 2008

The Transfer Agreement between Zionism and Nazism

The Mossad In America (Click Here)

Ognir Interviews John From WorldWarThreeNews

Do You Know What A Sayanim Is? You Should By Now!

The 13th Tribe of Khazaria

A REAL Terrorist Training Camp

Another Jewish Lobby?

As if we don't already have enough trouble with AIPAC, the 'liberal' Jews are creating another lobby to be 'opposition' to AIPAC. Maybe this is due to all the heat AIPAC is getting in the never-coming trial for spying. This is controlled opposition at its finest right here. If you play and own all sides than you cant lose. I am sure they will work nicely with the ADL and all their anti-gun stances seeing how this new lobby group is 'liberal'. Enough with the BS.

World War Three News

Food Prices Up 83% In The Last 3 Years (Click Here)

The REAL Truth Of The Columbine Massacre

The Label 'Jew'

Jewish Sacrifice Of Gentile Babies

And a similar ritual: From This Site:


PROTHINK AND KHANVERSE INFILTRATE ANTI-WAR PROTEST IN CHICAGO OCTOBER 27TH, 2007 This was the first time Prothink & Khanverse met and worked together. Khanverse has a forum that has excellent topics and debates with like minded people here:

WeAreChange Drops The Ball Again Thanks To Their Fearless Leader

What a crock of BS. Heres what Prothink would have done: "Hi Mr Cameron. I want to thank you for reporting on thee best mainstream news clip showing all the clues that pointed to Israeli involvement into 9/11 and we support you and REALLY understand WHO (Zionists Jews - and their puppets) did 9/11 and want these criminals tried in court. We are not a bunch of dumb goons who blame this all on the puppet Bush & Co and realize that he is just a blackmailed puppet (Franklin Cover up?). Your report alone woke up a lot of people and whatever we can do to support you in doing more exposing of this criminal network, consider it done." No, instead PUKE wanted to BS the guy and not tip any hand at understanding what they were trying to do when they dropped that bombshell on mainstream news. This is the same reason we lost prosecuting attorney Kevin DiGregory on the AIPAC trial because of lack of support and a bunch of people who don't acknowledge who this criminal network is. ...

Prothink Interviews Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Click Here To Go To Interview Page:

Do You Know About Kosher Tax? Here are 2 of the larger kosher tax companies here: (The symbol of the 'U' or 'U' inside of a circle) The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations (OU) 11 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Phone; (212) 613-8241; Fax: (212) 564-9058 Rabbinic Administrator: Rabbi Menachem Genack (symbol with a 'K' in triangle or circle) The Organized Kashrus Laboratories (O/K) 391 Troy Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 756-7500; Fax: (718) 756-7503 Rabbinic Administrator: Rabbi Don Yoel Levy

Average 120 Iraqi Vet Suicides Each WEEK! Thanks Israel For YOUR Wars.

Prothink's Youtube Videos

The Israeli origins of Bush II's war

One Man Can Change The Day, lol...................

Updated Video Clip - Fox News - 9/11=Israel

The Great Wisconsin Library Wars

Library Wars And a few miles away from the USS Liberty Memorial Library is a group of supporters (lol): Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms

Do You Have A Plan For When The S.H.T.F.?

I will be focusing on this more and more so people can make a plan of action for worst-case scenarios that are inevitably coming in the near future. Here is a good document to read in order to understand basics of survival: Click Here: National Militia Standards Print yourself a copy of these because they will be a good format to go by when the chaos ensues.

Jewish author nominated Adolf Hitler for Nobel Peace Prize

Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations: "Jews were a disease"